Washington’s Elwha River carves freely through the exposed reservoir upstream of the former Elwha Dam for the first time in over 100 years. Photo by Travis Rummel


The Art Theater
in Downtown Champaign
126 W Church St
Champaign, IL 61820

The Art Theatre

Oct 28
Champaign, IL 7:30 PM

Presented by Champaign Surplus, Fisheries Conservation Foundation, Patagonia and Prairie Rivers Network, the award-winning documentary DamNation will be coming to The Art Theater in Downtown Champaign on Tuesday, October 28th at 7:30pm. Tickets are just $5 at the door and all proceeds go to support Prairie Rivers Network and Fisheries Conservation Foundation. A presentation and panel discussion/Q&A with local experts will follow the film. (Stay tuned for more panel information...)

Directions: The Art Theater is located at 126 W. Church St., Champaign, IL, between Neil and Randolph Streets.

For more detailed directions, go to: http://www.arttheater.coop/directions
To RSVP, go HERE (NOTE: After RSVP, you will still need to purchase a ticket)